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Aesthetica Art Prize Exhibition 2020, York Art Gallery, UK

March 13, 2020 - December 13, 2020

Aesthetica Art Prize Exhibition 2020
March 13—December 1 2020
York Art Gallery, Exhibition Square, York, YO1 7EW, United Kingdom (map)

The Aesthetica Art Prize is a celebration of works that redefine the parameters of contemporary art. The annual prize, now in its 13th year, provides a platform for both established and emerging practitioners from across the globe, supporting and enhancing their careers through exhibition, publication and talent development.

The 2020 exhibition includes 18 artists that respond to today’s key issues, unpacking the layers of our digitalised, globalised planet. The featured projects ask poignant questions about what it means to be a human today. How has the selfie altered our sense of personal identity? What value do we place on being individuals? What are the consequences of altering weather patterns? Across painting, photography, sculpture, video and installation, these immersive works are part of a wider line of enquiry into our changing world. The featured projects span the UK, USA, Gibraltar, Japan and Mexico.

Meet the Artists
Friday 12 March, 12:30pm
The 2020 shortlist will be in attendance to discuss their works and the wider themes. The artists will speak about the concepts, materials and mediums used in the shortlisted pieces, spanning a range of media including photography, installation, video, sculpture and painting. Hear directly from those that have shaped this year’s prize and how they are navigating today’s artistic landscape.

A special ceiling-hung configuration of my 10-panel installation, Dysmorphia will be exhibited in the center of the gallery, with sets of headphones playing the looped audio. This exhibition features the work of the shortlisted artists and will include a video display of the complete top 100 long list winners. Copies of The Future Now 2020 Anthology will be available March 12, to coincide with the VIP Preview Night and Future Now Symposium. Please join us for this special event!

Erik Deerly
Erik Deerly is Associate Professor of New Media at Indiana University Kokomo. His range of work includes sound, installation, video, instruction-based art, photo, and His work has exhibited across the US and in Asia and Europe.

Preview this show at

York Art Gallery, Exhibition Square, York, YO1 7EW, United Kingdom
+44 1904 687687

10:00 AM–5:00 PM daily


  1. Dysmorphia (York 2020) Erik Austin Deerly 34:55


March 13, 2020
December 13, 2020
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York Art Gallery
Exhibition Square
York, YO1 7EW United Kingdom
+ Google Map
+44 1904 687687
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