Ambient Video Art
Titles (left to right):
- Dysmorphia (2019)
- Studies of a Woman (in Variable Speed) (2015)
- Possible Worlds: Mariana (2014)
- Path of Means (2013)
- Cursing Caleb Weatherbee (in a Tornado) From the Cellar (2013)
Each of these works was created for looped gallery projection, with isolated open-air audio. Because each space presents a unique set of difficulties related to acoustics, space requirements, or available equipment, I routinely request access to create a site-specific installation of pieces such as these.
- Magmart International Videoart Festival, Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, Naples, Italy (2019)
- “Distinguished Artist.” ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal. 16 (2015): 36-41.
- The Video Show — 3rd International Juried Exhibition of Video and Media Installation, North Branch, NJ (2014)
- Terminal Physical Space, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN (2014)