visual and sound art

Exo Resonance

Installation: Six archival inkjet dye sublimation prints (50 x 30-inch) of on paper (Epson Hotpress; handmade Uzumaki; Glassine), stretched on wood frames, backlit with super bright white LED strips, augmented with a two-channel video projection and stereo audio.


Exo Resonance was conceived during the fall of 2018, while on sabbatical, and completed in early 2019. Comprised of handmade paper and colorful abstract prints suspended from the ceiling on wooden stretchers, the backlit compositions are superimposed with two-channel video and stereo audio. Each image in the series was created through an algorithmic process.

  1. Exo Resonance 1 (installation mix) Erik Austin Deerly 34:56
  2. Exo Resonance 2 (installation mix) Erik Austin Deerly 13:00

Listen to entire album Five Installations.



  • Erik Deerly: Exo Resonance , IU Kokomo Downtown Art Gallery, Kokomo, IN (2019)

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